The Shingle Valley is designed to be installed on an inside miter with a shingle valley. Its surface is curved to make it easier to install under the second row of shingles. Dimensions: 8″ wide x 18″ long. Made of kostrate edge, which is a rubber modified teri polymer. It contains two UV-resistant additives.

The Metal Valley is made to be installed on the inside miter where the valley is made of metal. Its upper end is molded to allow easy installation to the profile of the miter valley. Dimensions: 8″ wide x 18″ long. Made of kostrate edge, which is a rubber modified teri polymer. It contains two UV-resistant additives.

The Flat Valley is designed to be installed where the water flow is heavy, but there is no valley. It will attach to a straight gutter. It works with almost all forms of gutter protection except the nose-forward design. Dimensions: 8″ wide x 18″ long. Made of kostrate edge, which is a rubber modified teri polymer. It contains two UV-resistant additives.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the Valley Controller cause an ice back up??
The Valley Controller has no affect on how much ice is formed it has a direct affect on where it is formed. Ice will form on the outer surface of the valley controller instead of the roof valley and the gutter.
Can I change the color?
Yes, please check with your local paint retailer for recommended paint products. We suggest testing the paint on the backside before applying to the entire product.
I have a valley that has no diverter on the gutter. The wind and water do not seem to move the debris down the valley at all. I have to remove the debris by hand. Will the Valley Controller fix this?
If you do not have enough force from the wind, water and gravity on your roof to move the debris, the debris will not be moved over the Valley Controller.
Will debris catch in the openings?
Yes some will it usually works its self loose or goes through the ramp openings. With all the openings the vc continues to trap water.
What happens to the debris and shingle grit that enters the gutter?
The material that can enter is so small that it easily washes out of the gutters.
What do you use to cut the Valley Controller?
Metal snips. We do not recommend cutting with power saws.
Barnett's Valley Controller LLC
6201 Terrace Hills Drive
Clinton, Ohio 44216
Phone: 330-882-5161